nLab Marcel Grossmann

Selected writings

Introducing general relativity (the modern theory of gravity):

Relation to Einstein

Albert Einstein on his work with Grossmann:

I am now occupied exclusively with the gravitational problem [i.e. general relativity/gravity], and believe that I can overcome all difficulties with the help of a local mathematician friend [Marcel Grossmann]. But one thing is certain, never before in my life have I troubled myself over anything so much, and that I have gained great respect for mathematics, whose more subtle parts I considered until now, in my ignorance, as pure luxury! Compared with this problem, the original theory of relativity [i.e. special relativity] is childish.

(from: Einstein to Sommerfeld, October 29, 1912, The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein (CPAE, Vol. 5): The Swiss Years: Correspondence, 1902–1914, Klein, Martin J., Kox, A.J., and Schulmann, Robert (eds.), Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993, Doc. 421, cf. also p. 3 of Weinstein arXiv:1210.6929 and p.1 of Earman & Glymor 1978)

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Last revised on July 4, 2024 at 10:35:05. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.